You might have read or heard about Qigong as anything from a gentle form of exercise, to an advanced Chinese health and wellbeing practice. This is probably why you are here and are reading these lines!
You want to benefit from this easy to learn, yet fun and effective way to increase your quality of life, based on 4,000 years of Chinese wisdom and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
There are thousands of different Qigong forms practiced all over the world, but only the profound Qi energy healing system of Zhineng Qigong, a specific form of the art, is recognized as arguably one of the most effective natural energy-healing modalities on the planet.
Based on these principles, the legendary Grandmaster Professor Pang Ming founded the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic near Beijing, China. Nowadays, it is often referred to as the first medicine-less hospital in the world. Over the years, more than 400,000 patients with over 180 different diseases have been treated, achieving an overall effectiveness rate of 95%.
The systematic and intensive practice of Zhineng Qigong is a proven way to enhance and stabilize health by activating one’s innate self-healing powers. From a Zhineng Qigong perspective, it is all about creating harmony between body, mind and spirit in accordance with nature and other people. The result of regular Zhineng Qigong practice is increased health and well-being on all levels – physically, mentally, emotionally and socially. Zhineng Qigong is for everybody, and can be practised anywhere at any time.
So it is no wonder that Zhineng Qigong has become the world’s most widely practised form of Qigong with, over 20 million global practitioners. On the journey to health and balance, every student starts with Level 1, learning this most powerful basic method:
This method is very easy to learn, but can be practiced for years while continuously experiencing new insights, enlightenment, excitement, healing and intensity.
Embark on your journey to holistic health, well-being, true self-awareness and renewed life quality today with your FREE Qigong Starter Kit!
Practicing Qigong is a life-changing opportunity at no cost, requires only regularity and guarantees huge positive impact. It can be learned at slow pace and without attending set courses during the week in a particular studio. The exercise ideally practiced in tranquil outdoor environment or anywhere else stimulate the body’s own healing abilities and can lead through homeostasis to full recovery of an imbalance within and even cures diseases up to full recovery. This has been proven in various medical experiments and researches.

Zhineng Qigong is the further development of Qigong which made its breakthrough in the early 1980s. The exercises, which were refined with the help of the teachings of Chinese medicine and combined with existing elements of traditional Qigong, martial arts and developed by a Chinese Grandmaster also holding a degree as a western doctor, focus on the active restoration of self-healing powers and thus also healing of serious illnesses.
Impressive pioneering work in natural healing has been done at the Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Clinic & Training Centre, the world’s first medicine free hospital, just two hours from Beijing. This natural healing centre is the largest of its kind worldwide, operated between in 1988 and 2001 specializing in the holistic Zhineng Qigong treatment of the individual patient and the natural activation of self-healing powers. Patients were treated exclusively with the driving life force “Qi” – an effective combination of love, exercise and life energy. During the 24-day program fundamentals of Zhineng Qigong Level 1 as well as remedial activation was taught.

There has been incredible healing at Hua Xia Zhineng Qigong Centre provided by an amazing and professionally trained team of specialists, natural healer and doctors who have proven non-invasive healing success like nowhere else on this globe. Around 95% of all admissions leave after only 24 days of medicine free Zhineng Qigong treatment fully cured.
Dr. Pang Ming, was born 1940 as son of a large family of Daoists and Folk QiGong. He grew up in Ding Xing County, in the Hebei Province, close to Peking. Already during this early childhood, he had a special and fascinating ambition to learn from healing Qigong – and Material Art Masters and confirmed out of the ordinary metaphysical abilities. His early teachings soon enabled him to successfully apply Taj Chi to the unwell, a healing practice which takes years of experience to master.

Zhineng Qigong works externally to internally and transforms the perception of body, mind and soul from macro-outer to micro-inner layer. The “Power of La Qi” describes the activation of energy in a particular sequence in order to apply healing on oneself or patients. “La Qi” means “pulling”, in a sense of consciously drawing energy out of the body.
Meet Master Liu, an absolute inspiration of its kind, who were taught and trained at Huaxia Zhineng Qigong Healing and Training Centre and since, has founded his very own Yuantong Taiji Healing Centre in Meishan, Sichuan, in China. Britta Stalling, born in Germany, is one of the pioneers in South Africa, who started teaching Qigong after immigrating from Germany in 2005 and completing her 2-year teacher training.

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The Zhineng Qigong Student’s Hub helps students worldwide in learning the ground-breaking work of Dr. Pang Ming.